Below is the email that this company uses to try to scam individuals. You can clearly see the misspellings and upon further investigation, you will find that this person and company has attempted to pull this scam on many other people.
Dear Confidential User,
I am a HR-manager at Bizde Inc. Due to major expand our Company is seek new staff for logistic assistant job position. Smart Delivery is solving logistic issues of any difficulty level. Also we are known as one of the best intermediary between buyers and sellers all over the world. Our goal is to make internet purchases safe and affordable for any customer. We have found your resume in CareerBuilder database and believe you are the best candidate for a part time position we have.
- US Citizenship - Over 18
- Education: High School/College
part-time/full tume : $2,000 after 30 days of on-the-job training period and $2,500 next month salary as a permanent worker plus bonuses;
For more information, please reply back with your contact e-mail or phone number to :
Bizde Inc Reviews
Below is the email that this company uses to try to scam individuals. You can clearly see the misspellings and upon further investigation, you will find that this person and company has attempted to pull this scam on many other people.
Dear Confidential User,
I am a HR-manager at Bizde Inc. Due to major expand our Company is seek new staff for logistic assistant job position. Smart Delivery is solving logistic issues of any difficulty level. Also we are known as one of the best intermediary between buyers and sellers all over the world. Our goal is to make internet purchases safe and affordable for any customer. We have found your resume in CareerBuilder database and believe you are the best candidate for a part time position we have.
- US Citizenship - Over 18
- Education: High School/College
part-time/full tume : $2,000 after 30 days of on-the-job training period and $2,500 next month salary as a permanent worker plus bonuses;
For more information, please reply back with your contact e-mail or phone number to :
Sandra Brown