Backpage regulary deletes/removes ads from their database GALLERY VIEW in the Toronto Escorts section. They probably do it in all major busy cities.
I post there all the time. When my ad is properly listed on the first pages of the Gallery View my phone rings & I make bookings. I noticed that they often OMIT and entire page of ads. This way, you have to post again and spend another 10$.
I complain each and every time I notice this happening. They always fix the database and put the ad back into Gallery View and send me a screenshot and a standard copy & paste blah blah blah to clear cache. I keep telling them I am web & data base designer. That should not be happening and send them my own screenshots.
Then they just dont respond back and the rip off continues about 20$ to $40 per day. I gotta work so I repost HOPING THAT BAckpage will post my ad properly.
This is been going on for about a month or more. The more ads I buy the more they remove them. There doesn't seem to be a resolve because this is trully a mega scam for backpage. Reviews
Backpage regulary deletes/removes ads from their database GALLERY VIEW in the Toronto Escorts section. They probably do it in all major busy cities.
I post there all the time. When my ad is properly listed on the first pages of the Gallery View my phone rings & I make bookings. I noticed that they often OMIT and entire page of ads. This way, you have to post again and spend another 10$.
I complain each and every time I notice this happening. They always fix the database and put the ad back into Gallery View and send me a screenshot and a standard copy & paste blah blah blah to clear cache. I keep telling them I am web & data base designer. That should not be happening and send them my own screenshots.
Then they just dont respond back and the rip off continues about 20$ to $40 per day. I gotta work so I repost HOPING THAT BAckpage will post my ad properly.
This is been going on for about a month or more. The more ads I buy the more they remove them. There doesn't seem to be a resolve because this is trully a mega scam for backpage.
She do wrong bisnees Scame you Steal money