I found a boat I wanted to purchase on Craigslist. I received an email a month later from the seller. They said they were selling their boat through AutoSense Consignment & Sales. I proceeded to wire AutoSense the funds for the boat. I called and emailed them daily and have not received a return phone call or email. Also when I attempt to go to the links provided to view the progress of the sale they no longer work. Do not buy any vehicles from them!!
AutoSense Consignment & Sales Reviews
I found a boat I wanted to purchase on Craigslist. I received an email a month later from the seller. They said they were selling their boat through AutoSense Consignment & Sales. I proceeded to wire AutoSense the funds for the boat. I called and emailed them daily and have not received a return phone call or email. Also when I attempt to go to the links provided to view the progress of the sale they no longer work. Do not buy any vehicles from them!!