Atlantic Roofing and Remodeling LLC

Country United States
State Australia
City Mount Pleasant
Address 222 West Coleman Blvd. Suite 201
Phone 8438770212

Atlantic Roofing and Remodeling LLC Reviews

  • May 13, 2014

I gave Wilbur Taylor of Atlantic roofing and remodeling a sizable deposit to put a metal roof on my home.

he gave me nothing but excuses for the last three months and I've had to resort to legal action and use every available resource to recoup my money.

he is a chronic liar and incapable of doing anything he says he will do and he also knows absolutely nothing about roofing as he subs everything out to the lowest bidder

do not give this man any money as his company is nothing but a check kiting Ponzi scheme and you will suffer greatly trying to recoup your losses.

if you're unfamiliar with the legal system you will get real familiar with it after you get Wilbur Taylor a check trust me on that.

  • Dec 5, 2014

Customer recieved a full refund of their deposit...

The customer Raiford Rustin was quickly refunded his deposit and is currently being sued for a large sum of money for the very personal damaging statements he has made about Mr.Taylor and the false statements has posted on this website. Word of advise to all... be careful about what you post about other people on the internet it can come back to haunt you.

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