This company is not going to pay you! You may get one or two checks, but good luck getting any further response. I have inquired as to why my pay did not match my hours, I have inquired about being given the information on how they are basing my pay so that I can compare it to my records, I have asked about verifying the pay schedule, as the two pays I did receive were not by-weekly. I held off working any more hours until I got my 3rd check, as I was leery as to if I was going to get paid, and I was right, so far I have not gotten paid a 3rd check.
I called the number just now and it says it is not in service. When they did pay me, they simply give you a dollar figure. You are not given any detail verifying the number of appointments you set, or hours worked. I am not even sure if they are who they say they are. I was interviewed and trained by John, but I think his real name is Don. The few times I did get a response to an email, it was never singned by anyone so I did knot know if it was Jon, Don, Criss, or Angelqie Horaface (the name was on the Pay Pal account when I was 1st paid).
At Home Phone Agents Reviews
This company is not going to pay you! You may get one or two checks, but good luck getting any further response. I have inquired as to why my pay did not match my hours, I have inquired about being given the information on how they are basing my pay so that I can compare it to my records, I have asked about verifying the pay schedule, as the two pays I did receive were not by-weekly. I held off working any more hours until I got my 3rd check, as I was leery as to if I was going to get paid, and I was right, so far I have not gotten paid a 3rd check.
I called the number just now and it says it is not in service. When they did pay me, they simply give you a dollar figure. You are not given any detail verifying the number of appointments you set, or hours worked. I am not even sure if they are who they say they are. I was interviewed and trained by John, but I think his real name is Don. The few times I did get a response to an email, it was never singned by anyone so I did knot know if it was Jon, Don, Criss, or Angelqie Horaface (the name was on the Pay Pal account when I was 1st paid).
Stay away!