Ashley leigh vivian is an escort Prostitute) who works in the new york city area. Her real playboy model name is shannon leary and she is from vermont. Her website is
Ashley is a fraudulent liar and ripoff. She falsely advertises herself as being in her early 30s but she really is almost 45 years old. Her body is full of stretch marks and her face looks like she's had a lot of plastic surgery Her nose is bent to one side for example) and her body is not firm like her photos suggest. Most of the photos on her ads were taken over 15 years ago For the ones from centerfold magazines) and the others were taken back in early 2011. She was working as an escort for many agencies in the early 2000s so she isn't new to the escort industry like she suggested back in 2011.
She also has a huge alcohol problem and she will often be drunk when you show up on dates with her. She sees at least 20 clients per week and has to drink non stop to keep a good face. The last time i saw her, she was so drunk that i felt she was a true alcoholic. She stayed at my residence till the next morning and i realized that my rolex watch was missing after she left I remember very clearly that i had placed it on my nightstand). It was a family piece and i tried to get in contact with her again via text and email, only to get insults from her. I even offered money to get it back and she ignored me. I still can't believe she ripped me off like this.
Ashley Leigh Vivian Reviews
Ashley leigh vivian is an escort Prostitute) who works in the new york city area. Her real playboy model name is shannon leary and she is from vermont. Her website is
Ashley is a fraudulent liar and ripoff. She falsely advertises herself as being in her early 30s but she really is almost 45 years old. Her body is full of stretch marks and her face looks like she's had a lot of plastic surgery Her nose is bent to one side for example) and her body is not firm like her photos suggest. Most of the photos on her ads were taken over 15 years ago For the ones from centerfold magazines) and the others were taken back in early 2011. She was working as an escort for many agencies in the early 2000s so she isn't new to the escort industry like she suggested back in 2011.
She also has a huge alcohol problem and she will often be drunk when you show up on dates with her. She sees at least 20 clients per week and has to drink non stop to keep a good face. The last time i saw her, she was so drunk that i felt she was a true alcoholic. She stayed at my residence till the next morning and i realized that my rolex watch was missing after she left I remember very clearly that i had placed it on my nightstand). It was a family piece and i tried to get in contact with her again via text and email, only to get insults from her. I even offered money to get it back and she ignored me. I still can't believe she ripped me off like this.
sex traffickers will be jailed
Men who pay whore's will be jailed...even you ! The federal government will arrest all who are sex trafficker's and pay for human flesh!
if a woman rips you off for a rolex you call the police dickhead
you dont slam the chick cause your mad
your dumb
you hate yourself