This Director of the Administrative Law Court In Phoenix , is gone now retired. He put on the web , about contributing to the quality of life and impartially , hearing matters of fellow citizens, is FULL OF S***.
I did not get due process. I paid alot of money for attoney, hoping to finally have my day in court.
well the corrupt judge who started out DENYING witnesses be in person. DENYING that a witness for the state NOT be allowing to sit in the court room.
denied almost every single objection my attorney had, but favored the AG , biased !.
Well Cliff you just sit at home and enjoy the retirement , and think about the underhanded ways of this court , while it was under YOUR watch. Careers lost families destroyed, while you got yours and kept you LDS judges abusive of women to gone on in your court while you were PAID TO WATCH THE ACTIVITES.
YOu were not paid to turn a blind eye. ANd your stupid questionaire
was the judge well orgainzed?
understandable matter?
pertinent facts?
major legal arguments?
nothing like putting loaded questions out there.
where is the question ? did they judge who was in the court room render an opinion?
did the judge allow the states witness from the board to sit on her a*s and listen to the entire trial?
did the judge hear the case with over a YEAR between court dates?
did a cult leader get to rule on the case?
did the judge REFUSE to allow the defendant to have someone check indentity when they testified out of town ?
was the judge BIASED???
You ran a corrupt , unprofessional court system, biased, did not provide any hope for a fair trial and made a mockery of due process, a real kangaroo court , your a dirty b****** , and are part of the reason az is voted THE MOST CORRUPT STATE IN THE NATION . You might still be sued this was under your watch and now you dont have the 'insurance to ' protect you. give ya something to think about. lest see if GREG HANCHETT can clean up the mess you left .
Arizona Office of Administrative Hearings Reviews
This Director of the Administrative Law Court In Phoenix , is gone now retired. He put on the web , about contributing to the quality of life and impartially , hearing matters of fellow citizens, is FULL OF S***.
I did not get due process. I paid alot of money for attoney, hoping to finally have my day in court.
well the corrupt judge who started out DENYING witnesses be in person. DENYING that a witness for the state NOT be allowing to sit in the court room.
denied almost every single objection my attorney had, but favored the AG , biased !.
Well Cliff you just sit at home and enjoy the retirement , and think about the underhanded ways of this court , while it was under YOUR watch. Careers lost families destroyed, while you got yours and kept you LDS judges abusive of women to gone on in your court while you were PAID TO WATCH THE ACTIVITES.
YOu were not paid to turn a blind eye. ANd your stupid questionaire
was the judge well orgainzed?
understandable matter?
pertinent facts?
major legal arguments?
nothing like putting loaded questions out there.
where is the question ? did they judge who was in the court room render an opinion?
did the judge allow the states witness from the board to sit on her a*s and listen to the entire trial?
did the judge hear the case with over a YEAR between court dates?
did a cult leader get to rule on the case?
did the judge REFUSE to allow the defendant to have someone check indentity when they testified out of town ?
was the judge BIASED???
You ran a corrupt , unprofessional court system, biased, did not provide any hope for a fair trial and made a mockery of due process, a real kangaroo court , your a dirty b****** , and are part of the reason az is voted THE MOST CORRUPT STATE IN THE NATION . You might still be sued this was under your watch and now you dont have the 'insurance to ' protect you. give ya something to think about. lest see if GREG HANCHETT can clean up the mess you left .