Outdated Methods, Find a mentor you can actually see daily
From my experience during 2013-2014, the methods are very outdated and not at all in touch with the current market and the subsequent move to centralized exchanges through the Government. Attended weekly conference calls 3X a week for over a year, and not one solid idea regarding how to sell insurance through the exchanges was brought up by Andy. He did change his businesses multiple times during that time, as the comments above indicate. I did not work for him, so I do not know anything about how people were paid and cannot comment on any of that. It is true that he operated a virtual office / call center. I was promised that I would be a part of that at some point, however, over the course of about a year, he did start up an office and then shut it down only to start another one, and it was my understanding that he would simply terminate the entire staff and start again. There was never a true opportunity to start out working under him to learn the business, even though it was discussed a few times. He seems to be busy with too many different things and not clearly focused on the teaching part that is outlined in Pajama Man. I signed on because I wanted to work from home , in my "pajamas" as he says, and next thing I know, he is telling the class that they should be going out and selling in person to businesses. Going door to door and selling is a far cry from working in your pajamas. Andy is a nice guy at heart, however, it is my sincere opinion that he has not changed with the times and is just not clearly focused. If you sign on, I believe that you will find the same experience that I had, and feel that the information is dated and focused on how things used to be before ACA. Unfortunately, that does not provide much of a framework for selling in the market we are in now. Nice guy, but I feel that I would have been better off putting my $5000 into radio commercials or other marketing, because he really does not go into detail on marketing, and the way he got to be the top producer in Nevada at whatever point he did that was by going out and selling to people in person, it was not started out as a virtual business model by any means, and that was only made clear by him after many months of listening to conference calls. Nice guy, but he has already made his money, and is not under any real pressure to find a new business model in this market. If you are starting out as an agent, I think you would be better served finding a mentor that you can work with in person on a daily/weekly basis.
Andy Ross is a complete con artist. He runs virtual agencies and hardly ever pays as agrees. Was being investigated by the feds for selling a fake business opp. Sued by multiple states for robo dialing. His students pay $5000 to then sell products for him to make overides. Anybody that wants to sell insurance can work and train with an FMO and not have to pay a dime to learn from this Con Man. Stay away from Andy Ross.
Do not work for Andy Ross as a "Virtual Insurance Agent" or attend his "Pajamaman school." His partner Ryan who ran Oz Insurance is just as bad. Over the years Andy has operated "Virtual Agencies" selling products over the phone. A lot of Dental and Indemnity products. He originally was using a Robo Dialer to get his leads for his agents. You can google "Andy Ross Insurance lawsuit" to see that the state of IN sued him for his Robo dialing. Some of the names of the agencies he has had over the last two years are Advantis, Elite Solutions, Safeguard, The Phoenix Group, and Oz Insurance. The name of the newset agency is AMPS...short for All Market Products and Services. Why, if this is a legitamate business model does he have a new company name every 3-4 months? BECAUSE ITS A SCAM. HE DOES NOT PAY HIS AGENTS! He collects all the commission and keeps telling his agents that thay will get paid, until finally nobody will work for him anymore. He then starts all over usually using one of his new students to be his "agent manager" and begin the recruiting process all over again. Stay away from this clown.
Andy Ross The Pajama Man Reviews
Outdated Methods, Find a mentor you can actually see daily
From my experience during 2013-2014, the methods are very outdated and not at all in touch with the current market and the subsequent move to centralized exchanges through the Government. Attended weekly conference calls 3X a week for over a year, and not one solid idea regarding how to sell insurance through the exchanges was brought up by Andy. He did change his businesses multiple times during that time, as the comments above indicate. I did not work for him, so I do not know anything about how people were paid and cannot comment on any of that. It is true that he operated a virtual office / call center. I was promised that I would be a part of that at some point, however, over the course of about a year, he did start up an office and then shut it down only to start another one, and it was my understanding that he would simply terminate the entire staff and start again. There was never a true opportunity to start out working under him to learn the business, even though it was discussed a few times. He seems to be busy with too many different things and not clearly focused on the teaching part that is outlined in Pajama Man. I signed on because I wanted to work from home , in my "pajamas" as he says, and next thing I know, he is telling the class that they should be going out and selling in person to businesses. Going door to door and selling is a far cry from working in your pajamas. Andy is a nice guy at heart, however, it is my sincere opinion that he has not changed with the times and is just not clearly focused. If you sign on, I believe that you will find the same experience that I had, and feel that the information is dated and focused on how things used to be before ACA. Unfortunately, that does not provide much of a framework for selling in the market we are in now. Nice guy, but I feel that I would have been better off putting my $5000 into radio commercials or other marketing, because he really does not go into detail on marketing, and the way he got to be the top producer in Nevada at whatever point he did that was by going out and selling to people in person, it was not started out as a virtual business model by any means, and that was only made clear by him after many months of listening to conference calls. Nice guy, but he has already made his money, and is not under any real pressure to find a new business model in this market. If you are starting out as an agent, I think you would be better served finding a mentor that you can work with in person on a daily/weekly basis.
Stay away from the Pajama Man
Andy Ross is a complete con artist. He runs virtual agencies and hardly ever pays as agrees. Was being investigated by the feds for selling a fake business opp. Sued by multiple states for robo dialing. His students pay $5000 to then sell products for him to make overides. Anybody that wants to sell insurance can work and train with an FMO and not have to pay a dime to learn from this Con Man. Stay away from Andy Ross.
Do not work for Andy Ross as a "Virtual Insurance Agent" or attend his "Pajamaman school." His partner Ryan who ran Oz Insurance is just as bad. Over the years Andy has operated "Virtual Agencies" selling products over the phone. A lot of Dental and Indemnity products. He originally was using a Robo Dialer to get his leads for his agents. You can google "Andy Ross Insurance lawsuit" to see that the state of IN sued him for his Robo dialing. Some of the names of the agencies he has had over the last two years are Advantis, Elite Solutions, Safeguard, The Phoenix Group, and Oz Insurance. The name of the newset agency is AMPS...short for All Market Products and Services. Why, if this is a legitamate business model does he have a new company name every 3-4 months? BECAUSE ITS A SCAM. HE DOES NOT PAY HIS AGENTS! He collects all the commission and keeps telling his agents that thay will get paid, until finally nobody will work for him anymore. He then starts all over usually using one of his new students to be his "agent manager" and begin the recruiting process all over again. Stay away from this clown.