Ordered a coat size extra large - tag said XL but was actually a medium. White fluffy lining was leaking out of the pockets and sewn into the seams. Several long threads were visible at the seams. Low quality item. Getting a refund took forever - seller wanted me to return the coat even though their policy said no return was necessary if dissatisfied. Eventually received full refund without having to return the junky coat even though I had to fight to get it. I would not order from this company again.
Ali Express Reviews
Ordered a coat size extra large - tag said XL but was actually a medium. White fluffy lining was leaking out of the pockets and sewn into the seams. Several long threads were visible at the seams. Low quality item. Getting a refund took forever - seller wanted me to return the coat even though their policy said no return was necessary if dissatisfied. Eventually received full refund without having to return the junky coat even though I had to fight to get it. I would not order from this company again.