I was Living At Cottonton Alabama with My Xwife Judy D. up until Nov of 2000. at that time I got Divorced from her.
I have two minor kids Jackie aged 17 and Jessica aged 11. My Xwife got Custody and Control over the kids and I was ordered to pay child support. Judy has A total of 5 Kids and three of the other was taken away in 1984 by the Lee county Alabama Department of Human Resources.
Judys two boys were placed with there father and the Girl was placed with her Gran Parents. Since 2001 I have made Various reports to the Russell county Sherriff department as well as to the Russell County Dhr and to the state Govnors Bob Rileys Office. I have pictures of the house conditions taken in 2001 and again in 2007 when I filed the last report with the state of Alabama. Russell County Dhr Had many case workers that started in 2001 until 2007.
Nothig was ever done for my Children until the state forced DHR to act in Feb 07 the children was removed due to Unsanitary housing as well as failure to get medical treatment for the kids. in March 07, I took my Youngest Daughter to the Doctor she had 34 Warts on her foot That I had removed. Everone in the Cottonton Community knew of these living conditions.
I hired A lawyer in 2004 Karen Chambless from Montogomery Alabama. I explained and gave her all of the letters and sherriff reports that I had in my files and the Fact that the RCDHR has failed to pretect my children from the way they were Living.
In Jul 2005 we went to court in Russell County Alabama with Eric B. Funderbirk as the Judge The only thing he wanted to hear was about the child support and my side of the case was never heard. Jackie Ran away this spring as she was fed up with the way that her mother has done her since 2001. the Double wide that they lived in was infested with Mice, Fleas and Roaches and when It rained the roof would leak. Jackie had to Cover all her things with Plastic to pretect it from the water. even her Bed got wet when it rained.
The Judge allowed them to Continue to live in these conditions. After the kids were removed in Feb 07 we went to court and the Judge Eric Funderbirk kept Delaying and kids were placed with pat B A friend of Judy d, This did not work so Dhr Placed the Kids with My sister Carol in Opelika Alabama.
Dhr passed this case from one worker to another and they Never were concerned about my children and there welfare. we went to court for the final hearing 23 August 2007 and the Judge gave Jessica back to here Mother Judy D and Jackies case is still open until she is located and returned to Russell County Alabama. Again The Judge never would listen and Judy has the Strong Ability to manupulate and control the court and everyone she deals with. when I was married to her Judy made it A point to Control the relationship. after I left there she did the same with the kids.
My kids lived in conditions that was worst than 3rd world countries. I have other letters concerning this Judge and he always takes the Mothers side in almost every case. what I want here is for my children to be safe. if anyone is interested for A class A Lawsuit please get with me as I have all the documents and reports since 2001.
My Kids never had good food to eat and they had to check there plated for roach bugs. My 17 year old told me that she will never live in them conditions and she tryed to explain that to Dhr Mrs Mclain and she did not want to hear. the case worker mclain Brushed her away.
so on 9 may 07 Jackie ran away from my sisters and she went to Florida and she called me on the 2nd of June 07, and I went there and picked her up and she came her to Tn with me until Judy called the Local sherriff department here in Perry County and jackie ran from here and at the present I have received A letter from here that she is in Cape Cod Mass. Jackie wanted to Sat at her Aunt Carols and Finish School. Jackie was top in her class with All A's and she has lost it all due to the facts that DHR did not Care for her welfare or well being. In closing I never want my Kids to have to suffer at the hands of Judy, its true that Dhr will remain in there for 6 months or so but after that things will be the same. Thank You for reading This and showing your concern
Alabama Department of Human Resources Reviews
I was Living At Cottonton Alabama with My Xwife Judy D. up until Nov of 2000. at that time I got Divorced from her.
I have two minor kids Jackie aged 17 and Jessica aged 11. My Xwife got Custody and Control over the kids and I was ordered to pay child support. Judy has A total of 5 Kids and three of the other was taken away in 1984 by the Lee county Alabama Department of Human Resources.
Judys two boys were placed with there father and the Girl was placed with her Gran Parents. Since 2001 I have made Various reports to the Russell county Sherriff department as well as to the Russell County Dhr and to the state Govnors Bob Rileys Office. I have pictures of the house conditions taken in 2001 and again in 2007 when I filed the last report with the state of Alabama. Russell County Dhr Had many case workers that started in 2001 until 2007.
Nothig was ever done for my Children until the state forced DHR to act in Feb 07 the children was removed due to Unsanitary housing as well as failure to get medical treatment for the kids. in March 07, I took my Youngest Daughter to the Doctor she had 34 Warts on her foot That I had removed. Everone in the Cottonton Community knew of these living conditions.
I hired A lawyer in 2004 Karen Chambless from Montogomery Alabama. I explained and gave her all of the letters and sherriff reports that I had in my files and the Fact that the RCDHR has failed to pretect my children from the way they were Living.
In Jul 2005 we went to court in Russell County Alabama with Eric B. Funderbirk as the Judge The only thing he wanted to hear was about the child support and my side of the case was never heard. Jackie Ran away this spring as she was fed up with the way that her mother has done her since 2001. the Double wide that they lived in was infested with Mice, Fleas and Roaches and when It rained the roof would leak. Jackie had to Cover all her things with Plastic to pretect it from the water. even her Bed got wet when it rained.
The Judge allowed them to Continue to live in these conditions. After the kids were removed in Feb 07 we went to court and the Judge Eric Funderbirk kept Delaying and kids were placed with pat B A friend of Judy d, This did not work so Dhr Placed the Kids with My sister Carol in Opelika Alabama.
Dhr passed this case from one worker to another and they Never were concerned about my children and there welfare. we went to court for the final hearing 23 August 2007 and the Judge gave Jessica back to here Mother Judy D and Jackies case is still open until she is located and returned to Russell County Alabama. Again The Judge never would listen and Judy has the Strong Ability to manupulate and control the court and everyone she deals with. when I was married to her Judy made it A point to Control the relationship. after I left there she did the same with the kids.
My kids lived in conditions that was worst than 3rd world countries. I have other letters concerning this Judge and he always takes the Mothers side in almost every case. what I want here is for my children to be safe. if anyone is interested for A class A Lawsuit please get with me as I have all the documents and reports since 2001.
My Kids never had good food to eat and they had to check there plated for roach bugs. My 17 year old told me that she will never live in them conditions and she tryed to explain that to Dhr Mrs Mclain and she did not want to hear. the case worker mclain Brushed her away.
so on 9 may 07 Jackie ran away from my sisters and she went to Florida and she called me on the 2nd of June 07, and I went there and picked her up and she came her to Tn with me until Judy called the Local sherriff department here in Perry County and jackie ran from here and at the present I have received A letter from here that she is in Cape Cod Mass. Jackie wanted to Sat at her Aunt Carols and Finish School. Jackie was top in her class with All A's and she has lost it all due to the facts that DHR did not Care for her welfare or well being. In closing I never want my Kids to have to suffer at the hands of Judy, its true that Dhr will remain in there for 6 months or so but after that things will be the same. Thank You for reading This and showing your concern