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African Mango Cleanse Reviews
While cruising the Internet, I came across a deal for Garcinia Cambogia and Mango Cleanse.
Each bottle was free to try for two weeks, for the cost of shipping. ($4.95)
I charged each bottle's shipping to my credit union debit/credit card.
The products took several days to get here, and during that time I did some comparison shopping.
I found many places to buy these products for half the price I would be charged for by this Rip Off company.
While calling both places to cancel any further shipments, I read on the site that they will charge you TWO WEEKS
from the date of ordering the products, not when you receive them.
So I sent back the products, one to the address in California with an RMA number.
The other product's return was acknowledged by an email from the company.
After I saw the charge for "AfricanMan" on my bank statement, I called the 877 number to get a refund.
The woman who answered first said I did not cancel on time. I told her, Okay, I have not received any products
beyond the two week trial which I returned.
She then started to argue that maybe I had called the wrong product number (Mango instead of Garcinia or vice versa),
I told her I called the number right next to the debit on my account.
I started to get loud, she said stop talking like that or I will disconnect. I disconnected before I lost my temper.