Wanted to buy some Burberry sunglasses I had on Craigslist. The persons number only had txt u could not call back. Had conversation. item being bought was for a friend. Wanted to use PayPal and pay xtra to overnight the item. Said this was There first time doing this but had all info to explain to me. Paypal, extra $ to overnight the item etc.. Looked up address and could not b found .. Was a film festival with no number is how it came up listed.
Again, Karen Kohout of Acquitrans sends fake PayPal payment receipts for items purchased on eBay. He then requests that the product be shipped to 308 S State St, Ste 31 Ann Arbor, MI, 48104-2412
308 S State St, Ste 31
Ann Arbor, MI, 48104-2412, US
The person insists on over night delivery.
Check your PayPal account before mailing anything. Make sure the funds have deposited before sending out items sold on eBay.
Sold a camera through the Amazon Marketplace, was scammed and my camera ended up at Acquitrans. Ready to be exported to who knows where. If I want my camera back, I need to pay $35, $15 for them to have found my camera that was ready to be shipped.And another $20 for FedEx to ship it back.
Acquitrans Reviews
Wanted to buy some Burberry sunglasses I had on Craigslist. The persons number only had txt u could not call back. Had conversation. item being bought was for a friend. Wanted to use PayPal and pay xtra to overnight the item. Said this was There first time doing this but had all info to explain to me. Paypal, extra $ to overnight the item etc.. Looked up address and could not b found .. Was a film festival with no number is how it came up listed.
ACQUITRANS of 308 S State St, Ste 31 Ann Arbor, MI, 48104-2412 buys items on eBay and sends FAKE PayPal payment receipts.
Do not send the product that you have sold to this person. It is fraud.
[email protected]
Again, Karen Kohout of Acquitrans sends fake PayPal payment receipts for items purchased on eBay. He then requests that the product be shipped to 308 S State St, Ste 31 Ann Arbor, MI, 48104-2412
308 S State St, Ste 31
Ann Arbor, MI, 48104-2412, US
The person insists on over night delivery.
Check your PayPal account before mailing anything. Make sure the funds have deposited before sending out items sold on eBay.
Sold a camera through the Amazon Marketplace, was scammed and my camera ended up at Acquitrans. Ready to be exported to who knows where. If I want my camera back, I need to pay $35, $15 for them to have found my camera that was ready to be shipped.And another $20 for FedEx to ship it back.