You are going to be legally procured within a couple of days. Your S S N is put on hold by the U S Government, so before something goes wrong we would like to notify you about this matter. Your line of credit is over 60 days past due,but not to late to restore your good standing. If you are unable to afford the payment we have offered,contact us right away. United Legal Investigation Bureau has stated 3 serious allegations against you and they are: 1. Violation on Federal Banking Regulations , 2. Collateral check fraud. 3.Theft by deception. Once you are found guilty the entire court cost for this law suit $4271.15.
ACE Legal Service LLC Reviews
You are going to be legally procured within a couple of days. Your S S N is put on hold by the U S Government, so before something goes wrong we would like to notify you about this matter. Your line of credit is over 60 days past due,but not to late to restore your good standing. If you are unable to afford the payment we have offered,contact us right away. United Legal Investigation Bureau has stated 3 serious allegations against you and they are: 1. Violation on Federal Banking Regulations , 2. Collateral check fraud. 3.Theft by deception. Once you are found guilty the entire court cost for this law suit $4271.15.