Micheal Mcclain Is the Most dispecable animal to ever roam the surface of the earth. He paints a pefect outcome and slowly convinces you to invest in his company. If you fall into his lies you are sure to face dissapointment, He doesnt pay. I invested a total of 10,000 and was promised a return of 20% for the loan. $200,000 were promised to me for this agreement and up until now I have not seen a single penny. He claims to have no money and last month he was in Haiti. When I told him I had started a production company, days later he told that he had a video on demand channel and tried to make me pay to put content on tv. He has make believe start-ups. Do not Invest money in this man, EVER! Do not believe a single word he sais. Its Been a year since I made the investment and up until now all he sais is that he is trying hard to pay me back, yet I havent seen my money.
With all due sincerity to who ever reads this, MIcheal Mcclain deserves an aggressive punishment by the justice system for taking advantage of good hearted people who only want the best for themselves and their families. I am an aspiring entrepreneur from South Central Los Angeles only trying to make it out, and Micheal Mcclain took advantage of that ambition. Like I told him and I announce it publicily, every dog has his day. The courts will catch up to you,and the people will rejoice when you are doing time for wronging us. I am sure I am not the only one he did this to. If anyone wants more information on this clown or has more evidence on his ponzy schemes feel free to contact me, its about time Mcclain faces justice.
Recently He tried to pull a sneaky move by sending me a NDA with an outrages twist.
Under heading #7 It said
" Entire Agreement"
This agreement terminates and supersedes all prior understandings or agreements on the subject matter hereof. ........
Good try, weasel.
You still signed for 200,000 and now the tables have turned.
You are still guilty of a hoax.
In conclusion, do not trust this man!
I will expose Micheal Anthony Mcclain in every form possible. The social network is a power weapon, and I will use it to my advantage now.
Becareful out there people, look out for alligators like Mcclain.
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Micheal Mcclain Is the Most dispecable animal to ever roam the surface of the earth. He paints a pefect outcome and slowly convinces you to invest in his company. If you fall into his lies you are sure to face dissapointment, He doesnt pay. I invested a total of 10,000 and was promised a return of 20% for the loan. $200,000 were promised to me for this agreement and up until now I have not seen a single penny. He claims to have no money and last month he was in Haiti. When I told him I had started a production company, days later he told that he had a video on demand channel and tried to make me pay to put content on tv. He has make believe start-ups. Do not Invest money in this man, EVER! Do not believe a single word he sais. Its Been a year since I made the investment and up until now all he sais is that he is trying hard to pay me back, yet I havent seen my money.
With all due sincerity to who ever reads this, MIcheal Mcclain deserves an aggressive punishment by the justice system for taking advantage of good hearted people who only want the best for themselves and their families. I am an aspiring entrepreneur from South Central Los Angeles only trying to make it out, and Micheal Mcclain took advantage of that ambition. Like I told him and I announce it publicily, every dog has his day. The courts will catch up to you,and the people will rejoice when you are doing time for wronging us. I am sure I am not the only one he did this to. If anyone wants more information on this clown or has more evidence on his ponzy schemes feel free to contact me, its about time Mcclain faces justice.
Recently He tried to pull a sneaky move by sending me a NDA with an outrages twist.
Under heading #7 It said
" Entire Agreement"
This agreement terminates and supersedes all prior understandings or agreements on the subject matter hereof. ........
Good try, weasel.
You still signed for 200,000 and now the tables have turned.
You are still guilty of a hoax.
In conclusion, do not trust this man!
I will expose Micheal Anthony Mcclain in every form possible. The social network is a power weapon, and I will use it to my advantage now.
Becareful out there people, look out for alligators like Mcclain.
Thanks and God Bless you all.
Mike McClane
I taking mike to court does anyone want to join email me at [email protected]