I ordered a company from this idiot and he charged me an arm and leg. Then I found out that I had to mail all the documentation myself. That would of been fine with me, except he never provided the information for me to mail.
Then I finally get the information and it is completely incorrect. So, then I am audited. He has a disclaimer saying that you are audited, his firm will represent you. That was all a lie! He wound up billing me for his incompetency.
John Georgiou is a scam artist who preys on unsuspecting people in the Pocono area. There are so many complaints about him its ridiculous. Hindsight is always 20/20.
He set me up for failure in every step of along the way. Everything meant more money back to him and his fat ugly wife.
AAA Income Tax Services Reviews
I ordered a company from this idiot and he charged me an arm and leg. Then I found out that I had to mail all the documentation myself. That would of been fine with me, except he never provided the information for me to mail.
Then I finally get the information and it is completely incorrect. So, then I am audited. He has a disclaimer saying that you are audited, his firm will represent you. That was all a lie! He wound up billing me for his incompetency.
John Georgiou is a scam artist who preys on unsuspecting people in the Pocono area. There are so many complaints about him its ridiculous. Hindsight is always 20/20.
He set me up for failure in every step of along the way. Everything meant more money back to him and his fat ugly wife.
This is his Yahoo business listing: