Wally and his company phish on craigslist for people who are desperate and in need of money and he plays on the emotional strings of it. They will promise you money or to be paid for certain things and then completely renig on the entire offer when it comes time to pay up.
Everything the company tells you is a lie. They will tell you that for every 20 referrals you bring them they will give you a $15 gas card. You will NEVER receive those.
I was told that i would be making a certain amount for driving the boys around to knock doors as well as $25 for everytime one sold while i was driving. I was also told that i would be making 9/hr for working phones as well as a dollar per green card turned in from the $1000 give away. The company is refusing to pay me for the last 5 weeks of work.
The van thats driven around isanti, st francis,and zimmerman has been pulled over numerous times because wally refuses to get permits and attempts to send the vans to the "outskirts" to avoid paying money making it virtually impossible to get any for of sale. They will lie to you about the entire process as well.
The company pay structure will change as soon as youre done with yourinitial training class to a draw pay that was never mentioned before as well.
A D Developement Reviews
Wally and his company phish on craigslist for people who are desperate and in need of money and he plays on the emotional strings of it. They will promise you money or to be paid for certain things and then completely renig on the entire offer when it comes time to pay up.
Everything the company tells you is a lie. They will tell you that for every 20 referrals you bring them they will give you a $15 gas card. You will NEVER receive those.
I was told that i would be making a certain amount for driving the boys around to knock doors as well as $25 for everytime one sold while i was driving. I was also told that i would be making 9/hr for working phones as well as a dollar per green card turned in from the $1000 give away. The company is refusing to pay me for the last 5 weeks of work.
The van thats driven around isanti, st francis,and zimmerman has been pulled over numerous times because wally refuses to get permits and attempts to send the vans to the "outskirts" to avoid paying money making it virtually impossible to get any for of sale. They will lie to you about the entire process as well.
The company pay structure will change as soon as youre done with yourinitial training class to a draw pay that was never mentioned before as well.
The company is a total scam/ponzy scheme